Heather R. Blair
author : Heather R. Blair
Heather R. Blair wrote her first book in the first grade and hasn't stopped since. Back then it all about horses, now it's pretty much the dark, sexy and shivery. \nShe lives in the frozen north of Minnesota, near that big gorgeous lake called Superior and enjoys hiking when the snow melts. She also does murals, rides herd on four monsters(otherwise known as children, ages 9-19), is slightly obsessed with Martin Freeman, British television and things that go bump in the night. \nShe loves reading,(duh!)and interacting with other bibliophiles and authors. Feel free to browse the links to connect with her on the usual suspects; \n\nFacebook ~ https://www.facebook.com/heatherrblair\nTwitter ~ @lovelyshivers\nWordpress ~ https://heatherrblair.wordpress.com\nGmail ~ thoselovelyshivers@gmail.com\nPinterest ~ https://www.pinterest.com/heatherr4300
Heather R. Blair Book Series
A Curious Twist of Lime
Déjà Vu & Gin
Blood In Fire (Celtic Elementals Book 2)
Cupid's Bow
Sixpence & Whiskey
Threescore & Tequila (Toil & Trouble Book 4)
Magpies & Moonshine (Toil and Trouble Book 6)
Smoke in Moonlight (CELTIC ELEMENTALS)
Roses & Rye (Toil & Trouble Book 3)
Blackbirds & Bourbon
Magpies & Moonshine
Lightning In Sea (CELTIC ELEMENTALS Book 3)